SPAR Library
IHR State Party Self-Assessment Annual Report (SPAR)
IHR State Party Self-Assessment Annual Report (SPAR) Tool Resource Library
This SPAR resource library provides a single source for all SPAR related documents including the guidance document and all organized by technical capacity. In addition, we’ve provided documents that are referenced in the Annex. We hope that this will be resource for National Focal Points and their multi-sectoral teams as they prepare for and submit the SPAR each year.
C - C1. Policy, Legal and Normative Instruments to Implement IHR
C1.2. Gender Equality in health emergencies
D - C2. IHR Coordination, National IHR Focal Point Functions and Advocacy
E - C4. Laboratory
C4.2. Implementation of a Laboratory Biosafety and Biosecurity Regime
- Laboratory biosafety manual, 3rd edition (PDF)
- Albanian (PDF)
- Georgian (PDF)
- Japanese (PDF)
- Khmer (PDF)
- Korean (PDF)
- Portuguese (PDF)
- Thai (PDF)
- Vietnamese (PDF)
C4.3. Laboratory Quality System
F - C7. Health Emergency Management
C7.1. Planning for Health Emergencies
WHO Simulation Exercise Manual (PDF)
Country COVID-19 intra-action review (IAR): facilitator's manual (DOCX)
G - C8. Health Services Provision
C8.2. Utilization of Health Services
- 2018 Global reference list of 100 core health indicators (plus health-related SDGs) (PDF)
- Toolkit on monitoring health systems strengthening (PDF)
C8.3. Continuity of Essential Health Services (EHS)
H - C9. Infection Prevention and Control (IPC)
C9.1. IPC Programes
- WHO multimodal improvement strategy (PDF)
- Minimum requirements for infection prevention and control programmes (PDF)
- Guidelines on core components of infection prevention and control programmes at the national and acute health care facility level (PDF)
C9.3. Safe Environment in Health Facilities
I - C10. Risk Communication and Community Engagement (RCEE)
J - C11. Point of Entry (PoE) and Border Health
C11.2. Public Health Response at Points of Entry
K - C12. Zoonotic Diseases
L - C13. Food Safety
C13.1. Multisectoal Collaboration Mechanism for Food Safety Events
INFOSAN: connecting food safety authorities to reduce foodborne risks (PDF)
M - C14. Chemical Events
C14.1. Resources for Detection and Alert